Key Club 为青少年提供成为社会热心领袖的机会。我们经常举办筹款活动、驾车活动和娱乐活动,以鼓励社区服务。在 2022-23 学年,我们向 GVFB、唐人街的老年人和其他有需要的人捐赠了约 18,000 美元的物品。Key Club 是一个培养团队参与和领导力的组织,同时还能在此过程中赚取一些志愿服务时间!
温哥华西区分会的独特之处在于我们每年举办的“希望和谐”慈善音乐会。每年五月,俱乐部都会在 Unitarian Church 组织一场音乐、演讲和声乐之夜,并提供抽奖活动为 Canuck Place 筹款。请在此处查看去年的“希望和谐”活动。
钥匙俱乐部 101
Key Club Vancouver Westside was founded in 2012 by St. George's School student Preston Lim, and is proudly sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Richmond.
Kiwanis Advisor
Allan Eckersley (aeckers@shaw.ca)
"Caring—Our Way of Life"
Core Values
Caring, Inclusiveness, Character Building, Leadership
Lieutenant Governor
Bonnie Li (ltg131517@pnwkeyclub.org)
Visit http://pnwkeyclub.org or http://keyclub.org for more information about Key Club International
忍者熊猫是太平洋西北地区 Key Club 第 13/15/17 赛区的官方吉祥物!
應對當今的挑戰需要能夠帶來不同觀點並願意承擔風險的問題解決者。溫哥華西區鑰匙俱樂部的出現源於對激勵和支持社區的追求,以及對行動勝於雄辯的渴望。我們成立於 2000 年,是一個由先進理念、大膽行動和強大支持基礎驅動的組織。聯繫我們以了解更多信息並參與其中。
蓝色 = 坚定不移的性格
How can I join?
It's simple! Fill out this form and we'll get in touch with you shortly. All prospective members should feel included and welcome, as Key Club values diversity, commitment, and kindness.
When and where are club meetings held?
Typically, meetings are held on Saturdays at 5:15 p.m at the president's house.
How do members communicate and stay up to date?
Our main form of communication is through Instagram. However, we are also accessible through Wechat and Facebook. Get in touch with us!
How much are membership dues?
Membership dues are $20 per year, usually paid around October 1 to December 1. New members will deposit their dues to our current treasurer, Alice Jiang. More information is available by contacting us through social media.
How do I benefit as a member of Key Club?
Key Club is an internationally-renowned organization. By joining, you'd be working alongside 276,000 members around the world to initiate change within society, while recieving volunteering hours directly from our executive team. As well, members and elected executives can participate in the annual District Convention (DCON) and International Convention (ICON) to meet likeminded leaders around the world! If you have further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
What is the District Project?
As a club part of the Pacific Northwest district, division 13/15/17, we are supporting the Youth Homelessness the 2024-2025 year. Many of our projects will address shelter for youth in Downtown Vancouver.